SOC2 Compliance Services

CyberCrest provides comprehensive SOC2 services that help organizations achieve, maintain, and demonstrate compliance with the SOC2 Trust Service Criteria. As a licensed CPA firm, Our team of experts provides a range of services, including SOC2 readiness assessments, SOC2 Type 1 and Type 2 audits, remediation services, and attestation reporting.

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End-to-end SOC2 Compliance Service

SOC2 Compliance Methodology

Gap Assessment

CyberCrest will conduct a SOC2 gap assessment and develop a path towards compliance

Remediation Support

CyberCrest will assist in developing documentation and will support control implementation to help achieve a state of compliance


CyberCrest will conduct a formal audit to evaluate SOC2 criteria compliance

Attestation Issuance

CyberCrest will issue a SOC2 attestation report

CyberCrest Resources

SOC2 Compliance Resources

Related Services

Additional CyberCrest SOC2 Services

SOC2 Risk Assessment

CyberCrest can assist your organization with all of its SOC2 risk assessment needs.

Penetration Testing

Our Penetration Testing services will help your organization meet its SOC2 requirements.

Business Continuity and Disaster Recovery

BCP/DR services can help your organization meet the requirements of the availability trust service principle.

Frequently Asked Questions

SOC2 (Systems and Organization Controls 2) Reports are a widely accepted form of assurance used by organizations to validate that their vendors are protecting their sensitive data and providing services securely. SOC2 is a set of standards set by the AICPA (American Institute of Certified Public Accountants) that auditors can use to evaluate the design and operating effectiveness of a service provider’s information security controls. If you are a service provider, being SOC2 Compliant means that you will have a SOC2 Attestation Report issued by a licensed CPA firm like CyberCrest which you can share with potential and existing customers to demonstrate a commitment to information security.

SOC2 compliance is required by many organizations, particularly in the technology sector, to ensure that sensitive data is being protected and managed securely by their service providers. SOC2 compliance is divided into two types: Type 1 and Type 2. Type 1 is a report on the design of controls, while Type 2 is a report on the design and operating effectiveness of controls. A SOC 2 Type 2 is the most widely accepted and popular form of a SOC2 report.

Demonstrating SOC2 compliance is important for technology service organizations as it shows their commitment to protecting sensitive data and reinforces trust with clients, partners, and stakeholders. SOC2 compliance can also provide a competitive edge in winning business engagements and contracts that require SOC2 as a contractual obligation.

At CyberCrest, we understand the importance of SOC2 compliance and the complexities of achieving it. Our team of experts will work with you to assess your organization’s compliance status, implement best practices, and ensure that your information security controls are designed and operating effectively in accordance with SOC2 standards. With our comprehensive range of services, you can rest assured that your organization is fully compliant with SOC2 and ready to do business.

The SOC2 standard provides a flexible framework for organizations to demonstrate their trustworthiness in handling sensitive information. Unlike other compliance requirements, SOC2 does not have a set of prescriptive controls, which can make the process challenging for organizations going through it for the first time.

Instead, SOC2 defines five trust service principles (TSPs) – Security, Availability, Processing Integrity, Confidentiality, and Privacy – which organizations can choose to include in the scope of their SOC2 attestation report. The Security TSP is mandatory for all SOC2 reports, making it the most common and known as the “Common Criteria”. The TSPs are as follows:

• The Security TSP refers to the measures an organization takes to protect its information from unauthorized access, use, disclosure, disruption, modification, or destruction.
• Availability TSP involves ensuring that systems and services are accessible and usable when needed.
• Processing Integrity TSP involves ensuring that transactions are processed accurately and completely.
• Confidentiality TSP involves protecting information from unauthorized access or disclosure.
• Privacy TSP involves the protection of personal information and ensuring its use aligns with an individual’s preferences.

The AICPA provides a set of trust services criteria (TSCs) that organizations must meet in order to successfully complete a SOC2 audit. These criteria align with the 17 criteria presented in the COSO framework and are focused on the control environment, information and communication, risk assessment, monitoring of controls, and control activities related to the design and implementation of controls.
Organizations must implement their own set of controls to address the TSCs based on their desired scope. These controls should be appropriate for the organization’s risk profile and environment, and must address all of the common criteria as well as any additional specific criteria for the other trust service principles included in the report.

A SOC2 Attestation Report is a comprehensive report that provides assurance on the design and operating effectiveness of an organization’s information security controls. A SOC2 Attestation Report is a document issued by a licensed CPA firm, such as CyberCrest.

The report is based on the SOC2 standards set by the American Institute of Certified Public Accountants (AICPA), which define the criteria for evaluating an organization’s controls related to security, availability, processing integrity, confidentiality, and privacy. The report contains detailed information on the controls that were tested, the results of those tests, and the overall conclusion on the effectiveness of the organization’s controls. The report is intended to provide assurance to stakeholders that the organization’s information security controls are designed and operating effectively.

A SOC2 Attestation Report is an important tool for organizations to demonstrate their commitment to information security and to provide assurance to their customers and stakeholders. It can also help organizations to identify gaps and weaknesses in their information security controls and to take corrective actions to improve their security posture.

CyberCrest offers comprehensive SOC2 services to help organizations attain and maintain SOC2 attestation reports. Our team of experts understands that SOC2 is not just about improving security, but also a business enablement tool. With a growing number of organizations requiring assurance that their vendors will protect sensitive data, having a SOC2 attestation report is crucial for success in the competitive technology landscape.

SOC2 compliance is divided into two types of reports: Type 1 and Type 2. The main difference between the two types of reports is the time period covered and the level of assurance provided.

A SOC2 Type 1 report provides an opinion on the design of an organization’s controls at a specific point in time. The report assesses whether the controls are suitably designed to achieve the objectives specified in the AICPA’s Trust Services Criteria. A SOC2 Type 1 report provides a snapshot of an organization’s control environment and is useful for organizations that want to demonstrate their commitment to information security and their ability to design effective controls.

A SOC2 Type 2 report, on the other hand, provides an opinion on the design and operating effectiveness of an organization’s controls over a period of time (usually six months or more). The report assesses whether the controls are both suitably designed and operating effectively to achieve the objectives specified in the AICPA’s Trust Services Criteria. A SOC2 Type 2 report provides a more comprehensive and detailed view of an organization’s control environment and is useful for organizations that want to demonstrate their ongoing commitment to information security and their ability to maintain effective controls over time.

A SOC2 Type 2 report contains several key components, including:

Scope: The scope of the report, which outlines the systems and processes that were included in the assessment.

Management’s Assertion: The organization’s management assertion that the controls were suitably designed and operating effectively to achieve the objectives specified in the AICPA’s Trust Services Criteria.

Description of the System: A description of the system and the controls in place to protect the security, availability, processing integrity, confidentiality, and privacy of the system.

Control Activities: A detailed description of the control activities in place to support the AICPA’s Trust Services Criteria, including the control environment, risk assessment, communication, monitoring, and control activities.

Results of Testing: The results of the auditor’s testing of the controls, including any exceptions or deficiencies identified during the assessment.

Opinion: The auditor’s opinion on the design and operating effectiveness of the controls, including any qualifications or limitations on the opinion.

Other Information: Any additional information that may be relevant to the assessment, including a summary of the auditor’s procedures and a list of the sources of evidence used in the assessment.

Overall, a SOC2 Type 2 report provides a comprehensive and detailed view of an organization’s information security controls and their effectiveness over a specific period of time. It is considered to be the most robust type of SOC2 report and provides a higher level of assurance to stakeholders compared to a Type 1 report.